The last couple days have been a bit of a blur to me. I received news on Monday that the grandma of the twins I babysit for was missing. Yesterday I got news that she had been murdered and buried in her own backyard. What devastating news. I can't explain my extreme sadness for this family that I am so very close to. Their grandma was a very young 55 years old.
As I have prayed for them in the last 48 hours I have found myself extremely grateful for those around me. The Lord reminded me tonight that tomorrow is not a promise. I think about my parents especially and this was the first time I realized that they won't be here forever. My loved ones could be gone tomorrow. Anything can happen. We all figure that we're going to live long prosperous lives, but where in the Bible does God say that? I feel this urgency to make sure that I let those around me know how much I love them. Tomorrow is not promised to us.
I am listening to a song by Carrie Underwood called "Temporary Home" and these are some of the lyrics...
"This is my temporary home
It's not where I belong.
Windows and rooms that I'm passin' through.
This is just a stop, on the way to where I'm going.
I'm not afraid because I know this is my
Temporary Home."
This home on earth is just temporary. We're just passing through. My home in heaven is eternal. Any day God could call me home just like he did Deborah Stone this past week. I'm not afraid because I know where I'm you?
But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31
Isaiah 40:31
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Sunday October 10th was my 24th birthday. It was the best birthday I've had since I was a kid. I had about 12 other women from church come to my place for a party. What a blast! We ate delicious food, sang karaoke, played pin the tail on the donkey and busted a pinata! Thank you to all my friends and family for the sweet birthday wishes, the great gifts and those who spent the day with me. I love you all:)
Monday, September 27, 2010
I started my math class today and I was super nervous. By the time class was over I knew that God had showed me his favor. I have the most laid back instructor who seems so willing to help and make sure you do well in the class. It was the only available class I could get into and of course God got me in the right one! Praise God!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
God is good
The last few months have been extremely difficult. I can't even begin to explain all that's happened. But here I am. This past weekend our church had a womens retreat. I decided last minute to go even though I didn't want to. I had that sweet voice from the Lord saying "just go...I have something for you." of course all i thought about was how I didn't have money to go but I obeyed. What a weekend! I haven't been able to cry for about 3 months and starting Friday morning the tears began to flow. God was already releasing stuff from me before I even left for the retreat. I continued to cry all day and all night. Each woman that came up to me to ask how I was caused the tears to flow more. By the time worship began I couldn't control myself. I was on my face crying out to the Lord to take my pain. I realized that I don't need to say anything to the Lord sometimes. He just knows. He knew I needed a release from all the things I've gone through in the last few months. I just needed to be in his presence and give it up to him. By Saturday I had a smile back on my face and felt totally renewed. Our God is so good! He knows exactly what we need and when we need it. We just have to obey.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Yet another set back
I am so grateful that I am saved. These last few months have been harder than anything I've ever gone through. Only God could sustain me. I couldn't keep going on if it wasn't for His strength and power. I just found out today that I can't get onto my moms insurance until January because of a new law. I'm all signed up and ready to start school in less than two weeks but obviously God has another plan and knows more than I know. I was going to put in my two week notice at work tonight but praise God I haven't done that yet. I will continue to work night shift for 3 more months to keep my insurance(prayer please!)while I take a couple classes. Although I feel tired and defeated I find rest knowing that God knows the plan, even though I do not. He continues to remind me that he will not give me more than I can handle.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010 life!
Wow life has been busy. I have been trying to get into classes for fall term...yes I'm going back to school! And God is sooo good. A week ago they told me I wouldn't get into anything I needed and as of today I have EVERY class I need...God wants me to start school for sure. I'm now waiting for a letter to find out what kind of financial aid I have...until then I'm still going to work my 32 hour night shift at the hospital. So after that all said I need prayer. I will be starting classes full time on Sept 27th while still working 3 to 4 nights a week. I know God is in control and he has a plan. He won't give me anything I cannot handle. So I already praise Him for what he has done and will continue to do!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
A New Addition....
For the last month or so I have been searching craigslist for a puppy. Not really sure what I was getting myself into...a week and a half ago I brought home my new puppy Kingsley! He is a tan chihuaua and so stinkin cute. This has been the craziest thing I have ever done...but so worth it when someone is so excited every time you come home:) I will post pictures soon so you can all meet the new man in my life.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
10 Fun Things
Lately I've had more tears than smiles. Keri suggested that I make a list of some fun things I can do instead of sitting around. So I'm posting them here so that you can keep me accountable and see if I have actually done them!
1. Ride my bike
2. Read in the sun
3. Swim
4. Watch a new movie with a friend
5. Find a yummy recipe
6. Make a meal
7. Go for a hike with friends
8. Fly a kite!
9. Do a craft
10. Plan my next trip to Spokane
1. Ride my bike
2. Read in the sun
3. Swim
4. Watch a new movie with a friend
5. Find a yummy recipe
6. Make a meal
7. Go for a hike with friends
8. Fly a kite!
9. Do a craft
10. Plan my next trip to Spokane
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Count Your Blessings

A very close friend of mine suggested since I was still awake to post something to my blog tonight. As I began to think about what to post I kept thinking back on my day. There were a lot of frustrations and things that just didn't go right. But I remembered the sermon from Sunday where Pastor Eric said to take every thought captive and say out loud "I'm Blessed."
The Lord gave me the words "count your blessings" so I chose to google it:) This is what I found...
Count your blessings instead of your crosses;
Count your gains instead of your losses.
Count your joys instead of your woes;
Count your friends instead of your foes.
Count your smiles instead of your tears;
Count your courage instead of your fears.
Count your full years instead of your lean;
Count your kind deeds instead of your mean.
Count your health instead of your wealth;
Love your neighbor as much as yourself.
So to get myself out of the rut from today I'm going to proclaim my blessings!!!
I am blessed with...
amazing friends who love the Lord and love me
parents who support me through every up and down
a job where I get to see blessings and miracles
my sister who daily sends me sweet messages
grandparents who continually pray for me
a church family who's always there
a body that can run jump sing and dance
Proclaim your blessings might just change your attitude!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
God answeres prayer!
Quick story...I went for a quick walk and decided to leave my phone and just grab the ipod and spare set of keys. When I came back I realized that the spare house key was actually with my spare car key that I gave to Heidi a few days ago. Awesome! I was locked out and had no phone to call for help. Well, Derek lives in the same apt places so I knocked on his door for half hour...obviously he was sleeping. So what did I choose to do? PRAY! I went back to my place to sit and cry when some guys walked by going to the pool. I asked if they had an after hours number for the apt place...they didn't but they were willing to climb to the second story of my place to get into my bedroom window...without knocking down my air conditioner! WOOHOO...God sure answers prayers...even the desperate "I need you now" ones. So blessed!
Last night God gave me an amazing opportunity to pray over a tiny preemie. Each night that I go to work I never know what I'm going to come across or who's life the Lord might give me the opportunity to bless. Each baby that I get to hold I always pray over. Whether it's changing a diaper or getting to hold them for hours, I always take the time to pray while touching them. Last night I floated to the NICU. A baby was admitted who was going through drug withdraws. She was screaming in pain. I was asked to just sit and hold her for the last three hours of my shift. At first I felt like I didn't have the training or tools to take care of this baby. I wrapped her in warm blankets and began rocking her. After attempting to feed her and her vomiting I began praying. The Lord began to give me worship songs to sing over her. It worked! She slept for two hours in my arms while I prayed and sang over her. I'm so grateful that the Lord trusted me and sent me to console that tiny baby girl. He speaks through the smallest little lives sometimes. Our God is so good!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Joy during trials?
Consider it pure joy, Lindsay, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
James 1:2-4
Does anyone else read this verse and think...seriously? How in the world do I have joy when I'm facing trials Lord? In the last month and a half I would say I have been facing trials. This season has been a season of testing, trusting and listening. I have spent more time rebuking the devil in these last months than I have in a long time. I have learned to anoint and speak over everything the Lord has given me. I am a warrior! But through all this it takes me back to this verse. All I can do is ask the Lord for help with this one. Lord teach me how to have joy in the midst of trials. What gives me hope and peace is that when we have joy (through him only) he develops perseverance in us!
So, next time I am facing trials I will make the choice to put on that worship music and choose joy. I have hope knowing that he will help me because I can't do this on my own, only with his strength.
James 1:2-4
Does anyone else read this verse and think...seriously? How in the world do I have joy when I'm facing trials Lord? In the last month and a half I would say I have been facing trials. This season has been a season of testing, trusting and listening. I have spent more time rebuking the devil in these last months than I have in a long time. I have learned to anoint and speak over everything the Lord has given me. I am a warrior! But through all this it takes me back to this verse. All I can do is ask the Lord for help with this one. Lord teach me how to have joy in the midst of trials. What gives me hope and peace is that when we have joy (through him only) he develops perseverance in us!
So, next time I am facing trials I will make the choice to put on that worship music and choose joy. I have hope knowing that he will help me because I can't do this on my own, only with his strength.
Friday, July 16, 2010
To my friends and family
Welcome friends and family. I am so excited about having a blog to share life updates with you and to give you an insight on what's going on with me. I give you permission to tell me what you think or comment on anything I write. Each of you are truly a blessing to me!
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